Factors Affecting Custody of Children Pending Divorce

There may be numerous reasons on why each parent would need to gain the custody of their child after divorce. Some of these reasons include; financial difficulties, custody issues, visitation schedule, child custody concerns, etc. When this is the case, the court will then have to decide child custody and alimony based on each parent’s situation.

In most cases, separation and divorce is amicable. This means that both parties have accepted the decision and agreement made by both themselves and have agreed to move on with their lives. However, if children are involved in the divorce proceedings, it is best to seek professional legal assistance or an experienced family lawyer to ensure that child custody and alimony will be settled properly and will not be subjected to manipulation by either party to get their way.


During a divorce procedure, the court will ask the help of an objective third party to look into the children’s welfare and determine what is best for them and their custodial parents (i.e. mother and father). The judge will then order joint custody. Although both parents are entitled to be involved in the child’s life regardless of the custody ruling, joint custody is usually awarded to both parents so they can better care and control their child(ren). If one of the parents is granted full custody, they are likely to spend more time with their child(ren), and this can be beneficial in improving the child’s custody situation and the parent’s relationship with their child(ren).


In some cases, separation can be a good thing. For example, if the two divorced parents have no children together, separation might allow them to pursue their own hobbies, passions, and other activities without always worrying about whether they’ll be able to be with their children. However, separation can also be bad. When divorced parents have to separate because of a custody dispute or any other reason, they may be at an emotional loss and feel overwhelmed. Children are affected too; they might feel abandoned or choose to do things that they would not do if their parents are still together.


There are many things that the court requires both parents to do when dividing up their child custody. One such thing that the court requires is that both parents accept the court’s decision. Although both parties can discuss with an attorney about their options regarding custody, they must do this with an attorney present. If the parents refuse to accept the court’s ruling, they may risk losing that custody case. It can be helpful to have an attorney present to help answer questions from family law attorney in Aripeka, Floridathe court during these proceedings.


In most cases, separation and divorce proceed very smoothly, said a family law attorney in Aripeka, Florida. Parents who are going through a difficult time might try to make the process easier for themselves, but they should not forget that they are the ones with whom their children will have to live. Parents must make child custody after divorce decision based on the best interest of their children. If a parent does not have custody of the children, the courts will decide in their best interest. The best interests of the children are obviously always considered over the spouse’s.